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- /*
- C source code created by Interface Editor
- Copyright © 1994-1996 by Simone Tellini
- Generator: C.generator 37.15 (6.12.96)
- Copy registered to : Simone Tellini
- Serial Number : #0
- */
- /*
- In this file you'll find empty template routines
- referenced in the GUI source. You can fill these
- routines with your code or use them as a reference
- to create your main program.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/gadtools_pragmas.h>
- #include "MultiSelect.h"
- extern void End( ULONG );
- extern struct Node ListNodes[];
- extern void *WBMsg;
- void Error(STRPTR str, STRPTR str2)
- {
- TEXT c[ 256 ] = "";
- sprintf( c, "%s %s", str, str2 );
- if( WBMsg ) { // this requires the 'Workbench' checkbox to be checked
- fprintf( stderr, "\n%s\n", c );
- } else {
- struct IntuiText error_text = {
- 0, 0, JAM1, 0, 10, NULL, c, NULL };
- static struct IntuiText ok_text = {
- 0, 0, JAM1, 0, 0, NULL, "OK", NULL };
- if( IntuitionBase )
- AutoRequest( NULL, &error_text, NULL, &ok_text, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
- }
- End( 10 );
- }
- BOOL MainCloseWindow( void )
- {
- /* Routine for IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW */
- /* Return FALSE to quit, I suppose... ;) */
- return( FALSE );
- }
- BOOL QuitClicked( void )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- BOOL QuitKeyPressed( void )
- {
- return( FALSE );
- }
- BOOL ListClicked( void )
- {
- static ULONG ListTag[] = { GTLV_Labels, 0, TAG_END };
- ListTag[1] = (ULONG)~0;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( MainGadgets[ GD_List ], MainWnd, NULL,
- ( struct TagItem * )ListTag );
- ListNodes[ MainMsg.Code ].ln_Pri ^= ML_SELECTED;
- ListTag[1] = (ULONG)&ListList;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrsA( MainGadgets[ GD_List ], MainWnd, NULL,
- ( struct TagItem * )ListTag );
- return( TRUE );
- }